Cobble Blackburn selects JOBSCOPE ERP Manufacturing Software
In a record implementation taking less than seven weeks, Georgia based Industrial Machinery manufacturer Cobble Blackburn has moved over from managing its business with a classic MRP manufacturing software system to using JOBSCOPE’s industrial machinery ERP manufacturing software. Jobscope’s manufacturing ERP software is is specifically designed for industrial equipment manufacturers. As a result, both Cobble and its customers are seeing the benefits as JOBSCOPE manufacturing software helps Cobble to control job costs and improve delivery performance.
Working with independent manufacturing ERP consultants , Cobble identified the Jobscope industrial machinery ERP manufacturing software as the ideal solution. According to Jason Kent, Cobble Blackburn’s IT manager, no other supplier, actually took the initiative during the evaluation process to set up a demonstration of their software using production data specific to Cobble. “Jobscope asked us for our manufacturing and MRP software planning data. It showed the Jobscopes’s real commitment to the project. It also resulted in a demonstration that was based on information that was familiar to us,” he comments. The JOBSCOPE ERP manufacturing software is particularly suited to the needs of industrial equipment manufacturers like Cobble.
“Using JOBSCOPE ERP Software we can charge labor and material purchased directly against a contract. We are not constrained to using classic inventory based work orders in the machine shop, which we felt created unnecessary transactions in and out of inventory and posed serious constraints on how costs were allocated,” says Kent.”
JOBSCOPE Manufacturing Implementation Specialists Key in Implementation
Jobscope implementation consultants played a critical role in the implementation process. “They were reactive and methodical. It was a key partnership. We both monitored progress on a twice-weekly basis,” Jason Kent adds. Whenever a problem did arise, Jobscope was quick to provide a solution which facilitated normal operation while a permanent answer was being developed, he adds. But the simplicity of JOBSCOPE manufacturing software is also a bonus. It is off-the-shelf software and easy to learn. “Everyone picked it up very quickly. It is a real success story.”
Cobble is unable to quantify the benefits of JOBSCOPE ERP software yet. It is too early. However, Jason Kent is certain the results will be impressive. “We are concentrating on the spare parts department. JOBSCOPE manufacturing software will help to improve its performance,” he says. The first JOBSCOPE reports Cobble has generated analyze order intake, daily shipment, late deliveries, order backlogs and the reasons for them. “JOBSCOPE provides a visibility that we have never had before, and we have been surprised by what we have found,” he adds.
Improvements have been seen as a result of JOBSCOPE’s contract cost analysis reports. “We are better equipped to see where costs are going, into design, installation, warranty, etc., and to put more of our efforts into areas where we can have most impact. Jobscope manufacturing software has made us more competitive overall, as an industrial equipment company,” he concludes.
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